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Simi Valley Little League


  Simi Valley Little League was established in 1972.  SVLL is a non-profit league run solely by volunteers. For our 2024 season, we will be offering
  Challenger and Sr. Challenger Divisions.

  Unfortunately, at this time we are not offering T-Ball, Minor, Major, Intermediate, Junior or Senior divisions.

Challenger Division

SVLL consists solely of Challenger divisions.   100% of our board members and a large majority of our volunteers all have players in our Challenger divisions.  We have all gone through the frustrations, challenges and joys of having kids with disabilities.  Saying that we know what we're doing and what you are going through is a stretch.  :-)  But every decision we make, every event we plan, everything we do is from the perspective of Challenger parents with Challenger players in mind.  There will never be a penalty for arriving late, or missing practice or a game, or leaving early.  If you miss your game, you can play in another game.  You won't have to RSVP for anything or let people know you won't make it.  Yes, you can sign up in the middle of the season.  No, you won't be charged a late fee.  You can show up any time and you will be able to play.

SVLL Challenger Division, established in 1989, is a division for players with disabilities.  The Challenger Division empowers boys and girls age 4 thru adulthood  regardless of their ability/disability to play baseball in a fun, safe and supportive environment.  Any player with a disability that would like to play in our league is welcome and scholarships are available for those who need financial assistance.  Challenger Field is fully accessible and all the equipment needed for our players to play baseball is provided by the league.  We have an artificial turf field that enables individuals utilizing wheelchairs and walkers to navigate the field with ease, and regular sneakers is all that's needed to play!  Buddies are available at our games to support players to participate out in the field and when at bat.

Not sure if Challenger Baseball is a good fit for your player? Come out to a game and see how they like it! We register players throughout the Season and our Season runs from February through the May.    

The Challenger Division is non-competitive. Players can bat using a tee, coach pitch, player pitch, or a combination of the three.  There are no balls, strikes, or outs. Games are a minimum of two innings with every player having the opportunity to bat at least two times and play on the field two times as well.  Game time is approximately one hour in length and the score does not matter.  Our emphasis is solely on fun!

The Challenger Division 2023 season will consist of 8 teams and is growing each year.  This season we are expecting 75+ players!  We will have four Challenger teams (ages 4-18, or up to age 22 if still in school), and four Senior Challenger teams (ages 15 through adult).  Coaches have not yet decided on their team names for 2023. 

Games and practices are held at our Challenger Field.  Our beautiful baseball field was built in 2014 in collaboration with the City of Simi Valley, Rancho Simi Recreation and Parks District, Simi Valley Girls Softball, and the Amanda McPherson Foundation. Challenger Field is a fully accessible facility with accessible parking, artificial turf and accessible dugouts. It is one of only a few fully accessible baseball fields for players with disabilities in the State of California and we feel fortunate that our kids have such a wonderful place to play!

          SVLL Challenger Field  (Sports Complex near Apollo HS)
          1757 Blackstock Ave.
          Simi Valley, CA 93065

Our games are held on Saturday mornings at 8:30, 9:45, 11:00 and 12:15.

Practices are optional and are held on Fridays at 4:30 or 5:00 pm. (Depending on daylight).  Optional participation simply means if you can make it to practice, great, if you can't, no problem!

Our Season ends with a Banquet and Awards Ceremony to celebrate our amazing players!   


SVLL is a non-profit league run solely by volunteers.
We have many fun events and fundraisers throughout the year to support our players
and our Challenger Division including an end of the year Banquet
and Awards Ceremony, Halloween Game, Summer BBQ, BINGO Night, Bunco Night,
restaurant fundraisers, online auction, and Holiday Boutique.

We cannot run this league without volunteers, community support and donations.

Monetary donations can be made at

If you would like to donate a good or service to our league, please contact:
[email protected]

Would you, your team or group like to be buddies for our amazing Challenger players? Contact
[email protected] 

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